Awesomesauce Software




We 💓 Open Source

We strongly believe that Open Source is a valuable asset to society and wish to fully embrace and maintain it. Make sure to check out our GitHub.

Privacy First 🔒

We run by the motto privacy first. We live in a day where privacy has become a rarity and one of our core principals is to protect your privacy. We will never sell your data to anyone, nor do we collect your data as per our Privacy Policy.

Small and nice Team! 😎

Also, of course, AWESOME! We are a small Team based in Europe and we love building cool and awesome stuff. Feel free to reach out to us or see who's in the team.

Our projects! 🔬

We currently are working on our first project, Gooftuber Studio. It's a small vtubing-like software to display your avatar in streams and calls. You can try out the editor here.

We are very silly

To prove our point, here is a cat:

Courtesy of CATAAS

Not convinced?

Fine. We will take out the big guns.

Courtesy of CATAAS

Still not convinced?

Ok, we will take out the biggest guns.

Courtesy of CATAAS

Ok, you win

Here is a dog:

Courtesy of PlaceDog